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UNFPA Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Humanitarian Operations in the Arab Region


The UNFPA Knowledge Series products aim to provide all stakeholders in the humanitarian community with simple, effective, and replicable information or approaches that can aid humanitarian responses. These are based on lessons learned from UNFPA programming and operations in the Arab States Region and are meant to serve as practical tools to inform responses or
enable actors to adapt successful approaches to suit their contexts.

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Evaluation of Youth-Friendly Health Services in Universities


This publication Evaluation of Youth-Friendly Health Services in Universities has been funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) within the project ‘Strengthening Reproductive Health and Rights for Palestinian Youth’ .  The overall goal of the project is to empower every adolescent and youth, in particular, adolescent girls, to have access to sexual and reproductive health services and rights.   The project’s interventions are tailored to meet the needs of young people (15-29), whether married or unmarried, in or out of university, to develop, promote and  institutionalize tailored health services for young people, among other objectives.

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Violence against the Elderly: Palestine


This report showcases the findings of the research conducted in Palestine from September - December 2019 on violence against the elderly. The research was conducted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – Palestine, in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development. This report is part of a regional study conducted by UNFPA, and the League of Arab States’ Arab Women Organization (AWO).


Apart from Palestine, the study involves three other Arab countries: Lebanon, Tunisia and Oman.  Technical supervision is done by the Lebanese organization KAFA.  This report delves into the causes of violence against the elderly and studies its implications and effects, as well as ways to address and treat it. It also presents recommendations on confronting and reducing violence, raised by all stakeholders, including the elderly themselves, service providers, and decision-makers.

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Social Norms and Sexual and Reproductive Health among Youth in Palestine


This publication Social Norms and Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Youth in Palestine has been funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICS- Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo within the project ‘Strengthening Reproductive Health and Rights for Palestinian Youth’.



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Against My Will

State of World Population Report

State of World Population Report 2020

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Impact of the COVID19 Outbreak and Lockdown on Family Dynamics and Domestic Violence in Palestine


This study was conducted by Juzoor for Health and Social Development, in partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HAYA Programme, and the GBV Cluster. The data for this research was collected in April 2020 to examine the impact of the pandemic and the lockdown on family dynamics and domestic violence. This study also provides policy options
and conclusions.

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COVID-19 and Persons with Disabilities: Key Messages


COVID-19 and Persons with Disabilities: Key Messages

This infographic contains key messages promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the COVID-19 response, including in relation to efforts to prevent and respond to gender-based violence and secure sexual and reproductive health and rights

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The shadow pandemic: COVID-19 and Essential Services for Women and Girls Survivors of Violence



The shadow pandemic: COVID-19 and Essential Services for Women and Girls Survivors of Violence, 12 May 2020

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Mustashari Mobile Application, first of its kind in Palestine

Mustashari Mobile Application: Q&A for Adolescents Health


"Mustashari" in Arabic means "my counsellor" is the first mobile application specialized in comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health services and information, for young people in Palestine.

This young generation is more connected through technology, media and the internet than any other generation in human history.  86% of young people (age 18-29) are online,
putting them at the forefront of Internet adoption.  


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The impact of COVID19 on sexual and reproductive, including maternal health in Palestine

Situation Report

Despite the ongoing response by health actors in Palestine, led by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization, the current emergency situation due to the outbreak of COVID19 is putting women and girls at risk, including pregnant and lactating women, and newborns.  Please see this special situation report on COVID19 by the health cluster in oPt .

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