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One year after the Gaza 2014 war


This report intends to highlight the key challenges that remain one year after the 2014 Gaza war as they relate to UNFPA’s programme priorities. The report focuses on Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Gender-based violence as a protection concern and the particular challenges facing young people.

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Rapid Assessment: Effects of the Gaza Crisis on Youth


Youth aged 15-29 of age represent one third of the Palestinian population. This youth bulge will require serious consideration in strategic development and humanitarian response by focusing on their  concerns and priorities in national policies and plans.

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Victims in the Shadow


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Paletsinian Ministry of Health (MoH) "Victims in the Shadow" RH assessment was released on the impact of Gaza crisis on reproductive health.

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Protection in the Windward


This study examines the realities lived by those who sought refuge in various shelters and assesses the suitability of living conditions within them. It also highlights the most important problems faced by people living in the shelters so as to ensure improved conditions in the future.

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