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YPeer Palestine - fact sheet

Fact Sheet

Who Are We?

What is our Mission?

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Crisis in Gaza and Impact on Adolescents, July 2021

The Crisis in Gaza and Impact on Adolescents


This Rapid Assessment was conducted by Juzoor for Health and Social Development in Partnership with UNFPA  country office in Palestine

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Impact of 2021 Escalations on Youth

UN Theme Group on Young People Action Brief


This Action Brief highights the impact of 2021 escalation on youth in Palestine, UN response, and indicating specific recommendations for a comprehensive approach in working with and for young people in Palestine.

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Situation Report # 2

Situation Report

Situation Report # 2, covering the period from 20-31 May 2021


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Situation Report # 1

Situation Report

Palestine Situation Report covering the period 13 April - 20 May 2021

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State of World Population 2021 - My Body is My Own

State of World Population Report

We have the inherent right to choose what we do with our body, to ensure its protection and care, to pursue its expression. The quality of our lives depends on it. In fact, our lives themselves depend on it.

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A woman receiving services at a mobile clinic in the West Bank

UNFPA Palestine 2020 Annual Results

Annual Report

UNFPA 2020 Annual Report - final results

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Humanitarian Response Plan 2021, UNFPA, State of Palestine


The Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 for the State of Palestine includes the Protection Cluster and Health Cluster.

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Advocacy brief on Adolescents' Health and Covid-19


An advocacy brief on adolescents’ health and Covid-19” has been funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation within the project ‘Strengthening Reproductive Health and Rights for Palestinian Youth’ - AID 11578.

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Fact Sheet

The Arab Region is witnessing compounded humanitarian crises, the effects of which have become catastrophic. Some of these are protracted, as in Yemen, Syria, and Libya, while others have become forgotten, as in Somalia and the Palestinian territories. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed even more people behind safety lines to face gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls, who consistently bear the brunt of the challenges resulting from these crises.

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