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Situation Report # 4

Crisis in Palestine: Situation Report # 4

Situation Report

The war in Gaza has had a severe impact on the entire population of Gaza, and on populations in the West Bank where the situation remains critical.

Of fatalities to date in Gaza, approximately 70% are women and children. Safety, health, and access to appropriate reproductive health services are significantly impacted by the ongoing war, which has intensified significantly since the end of the truce on 1 December.

On December 6, the Secretary-General invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter for the first time in his tenure, stating that the humanitarian system in Gaza is at severe risk of collapse. He urged the Security Council to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe and appealed for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared.

Read more in this Situation Report #4

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180 births are expected daily in Gaza, 15% will experience obstetric complications

Crisis in Palestine: Situation Report # 3

Situation Report

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated to a catastrophic point. Among the 11,078 fatalities reported by MOH Gaza as of 12 November, it is estimated that 68% are women and children in Gaza.  Ongoing bombardments, communication and electricity blackouts, combined with an enduring siege limit access to water, food, and hygiene have put all 2.2 million residents of Gaza in need of immediate humanitarian aid, as per the revised Flash Appeal launched on 6 November.

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Population Trends in Palestine

Current and Future Demographic Trends and Changes in Palestine



This infographic provides an overview of the current and projected populationtrends and demographic shifts in Palestine. It highlights the implications of thesechanges on the socio-economic sectors, and offers valuable insights into thechallenges and opportunities for sustainable development and the realization ofthe 2030 Agenda.

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Qualititative Study: Family Planning Method Mix in Palestine

Family Planning Method Mix in Palestine - Challenges and Opportunities


This publication responds to the urgent need to reduce the stagnated unmet need for family planning and contraception utilization in Palestine through exploring the attitude of beneficiaries, service providers and policy makers toward long-acting reversible contraceptives with the aim to expand the existing family planning method mix.

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Country programme document for State of Palestine 2022-2025 approved by the Executive Board

Country Programme Document 2023-2025


Country programme document for State of Palestine 2023-2025 approved by the Executive Board

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HRP 2023

UNFPA 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan - State of Palestine


In response to 2023 unmet sexual and reproductive health and protection needs, UNFPA has identified eight humanitarian projects. These projects form a multifaceted and integrated response targeting the needs of SRH, GBV, and adolescents and youth. By providing a comprehensive approach to addressing these critical issues, UNFPA is working to create a safer, healthier, and more fulfilling future for all Palestinians.

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Family planning

Family planning - contraception methods


Based on the homonymous WHO study, here is the Ypeer Palestine latest publication on contraceptive methods - descriptions, effectiveness, benefits, and effects.

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Door-to-door Midwivery Counselling in Gaza

Door-to-door Midwivery Counselling in Gaza


This Programme Brief shed light on UNFPA's intervention with regard to the visit that midwives conduct targetting pregnant women, lactating women and girls in Gaza

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GBV Risk Analysis for CVA Palestine

GBV Risk Analysis for CVA - Palestine

Situation Report

UNFPA Palestine decided to conduct GBV risk assessment for CVA in Palestine to evaluate cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in UNFPA programmes, in terms of potential protection and gender implications, in line with the concerns and paternal risk that may arose in the context of GBV survivors.  The assessment presents the findings according to GBV Risk Analysis for CVA Matrix, in terms of how the programs have used CVA with consideration of some issues related to protection and gender matters.

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Review of health, justice and police, and social essential services for women and girls survivors of violence

Review of health, justice and police, and social essential services for women and girls survivors of violence


This report aims to provide key updates on essential services for women and girls survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) in the Health, Justice and Police and Social Development sectors, which were exhaustively reviewed in the 2019 Palestine report. The report highlights the main progress, regressions and persisting gaps in policies,  services and information management systems in each sector and across sectors in a reader friendly matrix that summarizes developments over the past three years. It also  highlights national level achievements on coordination and governance of coordination.

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