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UNFPA Cash Assistance within the Gaza Crisis

UNFPA Cash Assistance within the Gaza Crisis
UNFPA Cash Assistance within the Gaza Crisis


UNFPA State of Palestine

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UNFPA State of Palestine


UNFPA Cash Assistance within the Gaza Crisis

Publication date

01 February 2024

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UNFPA’s experience in different humanitarian contexts has shown that cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is a powerful instrument that can save lives, alleviate risks, and help women and girls escape abusive environments by giving them greater access to vital services, goods and empowering them with the freedom to choose. In the context of the Gaza crisis, where markets are affected but still functioning and access of humanitarian goods has been limited, CVA has proven to be a highly effective and efficient means of delivering assistance to vulnerable women and girls.

Priority has been given to the GBV survivors already receiving cash under GBV case management and to pregnant and lactating women who were already part of a pilot cash programme to support their health and protection status. UNFPA has continued to identify vulnerable women and girls among those (i) already benefiting from women and girls safe spaces activities and (ii) from health and social protection facilities managed by implementing partners, (iii) and accepted referrals through the UNRWA GBV programme.