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oPt Country Programme Evaluation Report for the 4th Programme Cycle 2011 - 2013

This evaluation examines the strategic positioning of UNFPA support as well as its contribution to the results set out in the three focus areas - sexual and reproductive health, po...

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Country Programme Action Plan 2011 - 2013

The UN Security Council adopted Resolution No. 1325 at its 4213th meeting held on 31 October 2000. Resolution 1325 calls upon UN member States to enable women to play a larger role...

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3rd UNFPA Country Programme Evaluation, 2006 - 2010

The 3rd CP was implemented in a challenging context characterized by mobility restrictions, political split between Gaza Strip and West Bank, separation wall in West Bank and the e...

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UNFPA's final country programme document for 2011-2013 approved by UNFPA's Executive Board

UNFPA's final country programme document for 2011-2013 that was approved by UNFPA's Executive Board

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UN Resolution 1325

Resolution 1325 (2000) Adopted by the Security Council at its 4213th meeting, on 31 October 2000

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UNFPA Palestine country office report

The UN Security Council adopted Resolution No. 1325 at its 4213th meeting held on 31 October 2000. Resolution 1325 calls upon UN member States to enable women to play a larger role...

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