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Midwifery job description workshop

Midwifery job description workshop


Midwifery job description workshop

calendar_today 13 December 2011

Media outlets reported on13 December 2011 on the midwifery job description workshop that was organized by the Ministry of Health and funded by UNFPA.  “Maternal mortality rate can be decreased with good midwifery practices and performances” H.E. Dr. Fathi Abou Moghli, Minister of Health (MoH), said.  "in Palestine from 1990 - 2010 and according to World Bank statistics mm rate was recorded at 92/100,000 deaths, and according to MoH statistics in 2010 it was 32/100,000 deaths” he continued.  “We are hoping to bring this figure down by 2015 since maternal health  is one of the   MDGs” he said.