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State of World Population Report


The global transition from high to low fertility Not so long ago, most people had large families: five children, on average. Where once there was one global fertility rate, toda...

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Impact of the ‘Great March of Return’ on Gender-based Violence

The humanitarian situation in Gaza Strip continues to deteriorate. Since 30 March 2018, the Gaza Strip has been tense with weekly demonstrations held by Palestinians beside Israel&...

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Situation Analysis - GBV in the Gaza Strip

Gender-based violence (GBV) in the Gaza Strip is a key protection and health concern. The protracted humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory and its impact on esp...

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GBV Situation Analysis in Gaza

The GBV Sub-Cluster's Situational Analysis for Gaza Strip - March 2018

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Pathway to Survival - the Story of Breast Cancer in Palestine

Throughout the last seventeen years, Palestinians have been experiencing a remarkable increase in cancer cases that doubled from 1,073 cases in 2000 to reach 2536 cases in 2016 in ...

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Youth in Palestine 2017

Youth (aged 15 - 29) comprise 30% of the total population in Palestine, and all children and youth under the age of 29 comprise 50% of the total Palestinian population.   Al...

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GBV Sub-Cluster: key issues and concerns, key achievements, and key challenges

GBV Sub-Cluster Key Issues, Concerns, Achievements and Challenges

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Humanitarian Impact of Gaza's Electricity and Fuel Crisis on GBV and Services

Recent studies have showed the impact of the blockade on the Gaza Strip on women in particular.  This brief shows the impact of the fuel and electricity shortage on gender-bas...

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Status of Vulnerable and Marginalized Youth Groups in Palestine

The status of youth vulnerability in Palestine; assessing and analyzing the realities of Palestinian youth aged 15-29 years and identifying groups of vulnerable and marginalized yo...

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