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Maternal Mortality | West Bank

Maternal Mortality | West Bank
Maternal Mortality | West Bank


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UNFPA and Palestinian Ministry of Health


Maternal Mortality | West Bank

Publication date

19 September 2024

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The reported MMR figure in Palestine in 2019 was below the SDG target at 19.9 per 100,000 live births. The overall MMR in both the WB and Gaza has improved, decreasing by around 48% from 38 per 100,000 live births in 2009 to around 19.9 in 2019. But in 2020 and 2021 there was a noticeable increase in MMR to 28.5 and 47.7 per 100,000  live births, respectively. This reflects the negative impact of the corona pandemic on the number of maternal deaths.

Maternal mortality reflects women’s overall access to healthcare as well as the quality and responsiveness of the  healthcare system to their needs.  Therefore, analysis of maternal mortality is not only crucial for identifying the factors
contributing to maternal mortality, but also for evaluating the existing interventional programs.

The objectives of this report are:

1.1 Explore clinical characteristics of maternal deaths.
1.2 Explore the underlying causes of maternal deaths.
1.3 Explore the factors contributing to maternal death.
1.4 Form recommendations for corrective measures.
1.5 To explore whether MMR has recovered right after the corona pandemic.




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