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"Youth Friendly Health Services" Workshop and Assessment

"Youth Friendly Health Services" Workshop and Assessment


"Youth Friendly Health Services" Workshop and Assessment

calendar_today 25 July 2012

A workshop took place on 25 July 2012 in Ramallah to present the Assessment of Youth Friendly Health Services Needs in West Bank, 2011, implemented by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and UNFPA.  The study showed that 40.4% of the youth in the West Bank need of mental health services rather than physical health services, while 24,1% believe that physical health services are more important than nutrition services (19%).  This study was conducted on youth ages 15 – 24, and is intended to view the type and scope of health services that are provided to youth, actual needs for services from their own perspectives, as well as the perspectives of service providers and key informants at community level, and recommendations on how health services can be adapted to better meet youth health needs while also focusing on youth-friendly service provision.

Assessment (in Arabic) :www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_PCBS/Downloads/book1902.pdf

Executive Summary (in English)resources/file/Executive%20Summary%20YFHS%202011.doc