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World Population Day

World Population Day


World Population Day

calendar_today 14 July 2009

On the occasion of World Population Day, the Ministry of Planning, in cooperation with UNFPA oPt country office, organized a national meeting entitled "The Economic Crisis and its impact on Development: Investing in Woman as smart choice ".  In his statement,  HE Mr. Ahmad Majdalani, Minister of Labour, underlined the importance of increasing women participation in the labour market, while Mr. Bashar Jum’a, Ministry of Planning’s statement underlined the Palestinian Reform Development Plan as a framework for national priorities and needs, and that the PRDP integrated women needs within its national sectors.  Mr. Jum’a also underlined the importance of Qatar Declaration in raising population needs as national and regional priority.

The meeting was attended by more that 80 participants representing different ministries, NGOs, universities and research organizations.

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