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The Y-PEER Network in Palestine in collaboration with Sharek Youth Forum launched its new UNFPA Palestine supported music video last week featuring celebrities from Palestine, Egypt and Macedonia. The song conveys a simple message of youth resilience, hope and civic engagement thereby addressing larger and more complicated challenges that youth are facing in the occupied country.

Youth all over the world have several common characters; they are developing and preparing for adulthood, pursuing economic independence and aiming to become full members of their communities. To reach this, youth needs support from their families, friends and community as well as to live in peace, access to education and health facilities and a positive leisure time. These are some of the universal needs for youth all over the world, regardless of their sex, religion, colour or ethnicity.  Although there are some comparisons of the challenges of youth around the world, the experience of the young Palestinians is different and special from other places on this Earth.

Artists Karim Kamel, Dani Dimitrovska, Muhannad Kahlaf, Nora Abu Madi and Taysir Odeh, who are featured in the song, encourage the youth of Palestine to dream through the lyrics of the song. The collaborations from different countries of the world in the music video reflect the united vision of young people to have a better future and advocate for their right in front of the world.  Ms. Sima Alami, Youth Officer at Palestine CO, who is the brain behind this idea, mentioned that “allowing the youth to dream enables a society full of hope for a better future and can create positive change. The youth should therefore be seen as part of the solution, rather than the problem. The collaborations from different countries of the world in the music video reflect the united vision of young people to have a better future and advocate for their right in front of the world”.

The video has reached 60,000 persons within few days after uploading it on social media, and it is played on  several TV stations in the Arab region.