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The Government of Belgium grants EUR 546,480 to create a violence free enabling school environment for young people in East Jerusalem

The Government of Belgium grants EUR 546,480 to create a violence free enabling school environment for young people in East Jerusalem

Press Release

The Government of Belgium grants EUR 546,480 to create a violence free enabling school environment for young people in East Jerusalem

calendar_today 02 May 2019

Press Release


The Government of Belgium grants EUR 546,480 to create a violence free enabling school environment for young people in East Jerusalem


East Jerusalem, 02 May 2019

The Government of Belgium contributed EUR 546,480 in support of UNFPA’s programme in Palestine to empower and protect young women and men through gender equality and behavioural change interventions in East Jerusalem.

This grant will enable UNFPA, the reproductive health and rights agency, to address the traditional patriarchal norms and values from a development perspective to promote gender equality and reduce gender-based violence among male and female students of age between 10 to 18 years in East Jerusalem. More specifically, UNFPA will be working closely together with Enabel, the Belgian Development Cooperation, UNRWA, civil society, and Y-Peer, the Youth Peer Education Network, to increase the opportunities for positive and active engagement of young men and women in promoting gender equality and peaceful environment through technology related methods and peer education. The grant will also strengthen the national capacity at targeted schools for better protection of young women and men from digital violence and GBV, including sexual harassment and child marriage.

 “Belgium attaches great importance to the promotion of gender equality, women’s empowerment and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, with a particular focus on the strengthening of the capacity at targeted schools for better protection of young women and men.” said Ms. Kaat De Nijs, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the Consulate General of Belgium in Jerusalem. “Through this project with UNFPA we hope to promote human rights and economic empowerment of both boys and girls. Moreover, we are looking into exchanges with Belgian institutions to exchange policies and best practices with regards to sexual and reproductive health and rights.” she added.   

"UNFPA extends its thanks and appreciation to the People and the Government of Belgium.  UNFPA is grateful for the continuous support and dedication of Belgium to improve the lives and conditions of Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem." said Mr. Ziad Yaish, UNFPA, Assistant Representative, and Officer in Charge. "This grant is extremely crucial to the work of UNFPA and to the People of Palestine.” he added.


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.


For more information, please contact:

Ms. Sima Alami, Youth Programme Officer, UNFPA State of Palestine

Tel: + 972 54 4447317, alami@unfpa.org


Ms. Genia Helou-Raad, Senior Advisor for International Cooperation, Consulate General of Belgium in Jerusalem, genia.helou@diplobel.fed.be

Tel: + 972 (0) 25820222

